A blue ribbon district

江南体育的23所学校中有13所被授予密歇根蓝带模范学校奖.  两所是国家蓝带学校.   蓝丝带学校是指在各个方面都取得了很高的成就的学校.  蓝丝带学区是指致力于为江南体育提供高质量课程的学区, 广泛的教育机会, 以及在大学或工作场所取得成功的最佳途径.

我们的蓝丝带奖获奖学校是:克罗米小学, Green Acres Elementary, Harwood Elementary, Jefferson Elementary, Pearl Lean Elementary, Siersma Elementary, Wilde Elementary, Wilkerson Elementary, Beer Middle School, Carter Middle School, Grissom Middle School, 库西诺高中和沃伦·莫特高中. Green Acres和Cousino也赢得了国家蓝带学校的认可.

所有江南体育都获得了Cognia和密歇根州的认证.  这两个组织都有很高的认证标准.


Elementary Schools

First day of school十二种传统历法.

Curriculum: reading, writing, math, science, social studies, art, music, STEM, physical education, health, and computer technology

Grade K-2: 强调基本的语言技能与数学的发展, science, social studies, art, music, physical education

Grades 3-5: 继续强调与数学、科学和社会研究相关的语言技能.

Middle Schools

四所传统日历学校加上中学数学磁石课程, 科学技术和中学的视觉和表演艺术——6-8年级的江南体育在6课时的一天里换教室学习, 选修课和磁石课程.

Curriculum: 学术核心-语言艺术/传播/阅读, social studies, science, 数学,其他课程——物理. ed.,健康,工程,STEM,西班牙语,21世纪科技

Athletics: intramural program for all grades; boys and girls basketball, boys football, girls volleyball, boys and girls track

Activities: 江南体育会,生态俱乐部,盛大的活动


High Schools

三所学校加上职业培训中心, Community High School and the Macomb Math/Science Technology Center; grades 9-12 in a six-period day – students change classrooms for all core classes and electives.  磁铁课程提供数学,科学,职业,表演艺术和广播/电视.

Curriculum: academic core – academic core – English, math, science, social studies; other courses – phys. ed., health, expressive arts, career pathways, electives; 23 advanced or advanced placement courses available; articulation agreements with six universities to grant college credit for certain high school courses; testing our/waiver policy in effect for prerequisite courses; dual enrollment and early college Macomb options available

Athletics: 男孩足球,女孩排球,男孩女孩篮球,男孩女孩游泳 & diving, boys baseball, girls softball, boys and girls soccer, boys and girls track, cross country, boys and girls tennis, wrestling, golf. 俱乐部赞助-曲棍球,保龄球,舞蹈/啦啦队,长曲棍球

Activities: 全套乐队/音乐节目,包括爵士乐队, leadership, yearbook, newspaper, foreign language, skiing, robotics, science Olympiad, math Olympiad


Commitment to Equal Access & Opportunity

根据1964年民权法案第六章的规定, 1972年教育修正案第九条, 1973年康复法案第504条, 1975年的《江南体育》, 江南体育的政策是任何人不得, on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, (包括性取向或跨性别认同), disability, age, religion, height, weight, marital or family status, military status, ancestry, genetic information, 或任何其他受法律保护的类别, (collectively, “受保护阶层”)被排除在外, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, 任何项目中的歧视, activity, service or in employment. 查询应向就业和劳资关系执行主任提出, 31300 Anita, Warren, Michigan 48093, (586) 825-2400, ext 63110.